Unlocking the Secrets of Cartoners: A Comprehensive Guide to Packaging Machinery

Cartoning equipment plays a vital role in the packaging industry. This machinery allows companies to quickly and efficiently package products for distribution and sale.

In this post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cartoners, from types and key features to benefits and maintenance.

Whether you’re looking to streamline your packaging operations or invest in new equipment, you’ll find invaluable insights here. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents


If you work in food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, or consumer goods, chances are you rely on some type of cartoning machinery. Cartoners are machines that take products and automatically place them into paperboard cartons or cases. This packaging protects items during transport and display. It also provides branding real estate for your business.

But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right cartoning equipment? What features and specifications should you look for? 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about cartoners. You’ll learn about the different types of these machines, key features to consider, benefits for your business, and more.

My goal is to equip you with the insights to make smart investments in packaging automation. Whether you’re buying your first cartoner or looking to upgrade equipment, you’ll have the information you need to select machinery that aligns with your production needs and budget. 

With the right cartoner, you can streamline operations, reduce labor costs, and set your business up for scalability and success. So let’s dive in!

Types of Cartoners

Cartoners come in a few main configurations to handle different types of products, speeds, and production environments. The three primary types are horizontal cartoners, vertical cartoners, and robotic cartoners.

A. Horizontal Cartoners

Horizontal cartoners are the most common style of cartoning machinery. As the name suggests, they operate with a horizontal product flow. Here’s a quick rundown of how they work:

  • An operator stacks product onto a conveyor or feeder. This automatically spaces and queues items.
  • Carton blanks are fed into the machine from a magazine. They’re opened using suction cups and shaped into boxes.
  • Products travel down the line and are grouped together.
  • These groups are loaded into the awaiting cartons.
  • Finally, the filled cartons are sealed and discharged from the machine.

Horizontal cartoners are ideal for medium to high-speed cartoning of rigid or semi-rigid products. Their linear configuration allows for fast, efficient production. These machines can process up to 300 cartons per minute.

Horizontal cartoners work well for goods like the following:

  • Boxes of crackers, cereals, pasta, etc.
  • Canned goods like soups, vegetables, beans, etc.
  • Bottled beverages like soda, water, juice, etc.
  • Personal care items like toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc.

The advantages of horizontal cartoners include their:

  • High speeds for mass production
  • Compact footprint that saves floor space
  • Flexible configurations to handle wide products
  • User-friendly operation and changeover

For high-volume packaging lines, horizontal cartoners are the go-to choice. Their efficiency and versatility make them a workhorse of the industry.

B. Vertical Cartoners

As an alternative to horizontal machines, vertical cartoners stage the packaging process on a vertical plane. Here are their main steps:

  • Carton blanks start at the top of the machine. They’re opened to form boxes.
  • Products are grouped and fed in from the side via timing screws. This stages them above the awaiting cartons.
  • The groups drop down into the boxes.
  • Filled cartons are sealed and discharged at the bottom of the machine.

The vertical cartoning method works well for lightweight, odd-shaped, or delicate products. It provides gentle handling and loading. These machines have speeds around 150 cartons per minute.

Some common applications of vertical cartoners include:

  • Chips, crackers, and other fragile snacks
  • Fresh bakery items like breads, muffins, and cookies
  • Frozen foods like vegetables, fruits, and prepared meals
  • Glass bottles that require gentle packaging
  • Irregularly shaped products that don’t stack neatly

The main advantages of vertical cartoners include:

  • Their gentle product handling
  • Ability to package delicate and odd-shaped items
  • Compact footprint
  • Quick size changeover
  • Minimal dust and debris generation

For businesses with fragile or irregular products, vertical cartoners provide an important packaging solution.

C. Robotic Cartoners

Robotic cartoners integrate sophisticated robotic technology into the cartoning process. This allows for ultra-flexible packaging with minimal changeover.

These machines use robotics in place of fixed pick-and-place mechanisms. Robotic arms with specialized grippers can handle a wide range of products. Integrated vision systems provide the robots with precision handling.

Robotic cartoning delivers key benefits like:

  • Quick changeovers between product sizes and cartons
  • Ability to handle custom packaging requirements
  • Gentle handling for fragile items
  • Compact, modular footprint
  • High uptime and efficiency
  • Easy integration with upstream and downstream equipment

Robotic cartoners lend themselves to contract packaging facilities and operations with frequent product changeovers. Their flexibility streamlines the handling of seasonal items, limited-run products, and similar applications. Although the technology has a higher upfront cost, it offers big advantages for agile manufacturing.

Key Features to Look for in Cartoners

With the basics covered, let’s look at the key features and specifications to evaluate when purchasing cartoning equipment. Prioritizing these aspects will help you select machinery that aligns with your production environment and objectives.


Cartoning speed impacts how much product you can package within a certain timeframe. Most manufacturers provide a rate in cartons packaged per minute (CPM). Generally, speeds range from 30-400 CPM depending on factors like carton size, product type, and loading method.

When estimating required speed, factor in:

  • Your current and projected production volumes
  • Room for future growth and demand spikes
  • Production goals like Just-in-Time order fulfillment

Selecting a machine that meets your speed needs without overbuying capacity is ideal for cost-effectiveness.

Carton Size Flexibility

The range of carton sizes a machine can handle affects its versatility. Key factors include:

  • Minimum and maximum carton dimensions
  • Ability to adjust carton magazine for quick size changeovers
  • Accommodation of carton blanks, folded cartons, trays, etc.

Opt for a model with ample size flexibility built in. Quick-change modules that adapt from one size to the next are also advantageous

Product Handling Method

How the machine groups, orients, and loads products also deserves consideration:

  • Flat grouping systems accommodate rigid items like boxes and cans.
  • Bucket grouping mechanisms work for soft or irregular products.
  • Orienting systems properly position oddly shaped goods.
  • Custom feeding systems can integrate for unique products like bread loaves.

Match the handling method to your specific item for smooth, reliable packaging.

Integrated Systems

Many cartoners provide options for integrated components that expand functionality:

  • Product timing screws for proper positioning
  • Top load sealers that fold and seal the carton flaps
  • Print-and-apply labelers for machine labeling
  • Carton erectors that form boxes from flat blanks
  • Robotic loading modules for advanced flexibility

Evaluate integrated features against current and future needs to build the most value into your equipment.

Benefits of Cartoning Machines

Now that we’ve explored the types and features of cartoners, let’s discuss why they’re such an asset for packaging operations. Here are some of the top benefits that cartoning machinery delivers:

Increased Production Speeds

Cartoners package goods far faster than manual loading. Depending on the model, they can reach speeds of 100-400 CPM. This allows you to ramp up production volumes cost-effectively. The labor hours saved also boosts overall efficiency.

Reduced Labor Costs

Since cartoners automate the packaging process, they significantly reduce labor requirements. One operator can manage multiple machines. This cuts personnel costs associated with manual cartoning.

Reliable Packaging Accuracy

Cartoners use servo motors, sensors, and programmable logic controllers to precisely group and place products. This eliminates human error and ensures reliable packaging accuracy. Your customers will receive cartons loaded with the right quantity of goods every time.

Quick Changeover Ability

Machines designed for flexibility offer tool-less size changeovers in minutes rather than hours. This minimizes downtime when switching between products or carton formats. The production agility benefits the bottom line.

Better Product Protection

The precise, automated loading of cartoners minimizes product jostling and damage. Items stay neatly packed for quality control. For fragile goods, integrated vision systems and gentle robot loading provide a solution.

Bonus Branding & Design Options

From carton printing to package sealing, today’s cartoners integrate options for unique branding and design. This allows customization that grabs attention on store shelves. The packaging reflects positively on your business.

Improved Workplace Safety & Ergonomics

Automating strenuous manual work like packing cases makes the packaging floor safer. Cartoners eliminate heavy lifting and repetitive motion injuries. A better ergonomic environment boosts morale and productivity.

With advantages like these, it’s easy to see why cartoners are a staple of modern packaging facilities. The payback period on the equipment investment can be quite short in many cases.

Common Industries That Use Cartoners

Nearly any facility that packages goods for distribution utilizes cartoning machinery. But certain industries rely especially heavily on these machines:

Food Production

Major segments like bakery, confections, frozen foods, chips, snacks, and cereal integrate cartoners for high-volume production. These machines handle everything from bread loaves to frozen chicken nuggets.

Beverage/Bottling Plants

Cartoners package bottled and canned beverages in shelf-ready cases. For soda and beer, they encase bottles in partitioned cartons. Water and juice plants use them to collate shrink-wrapped or loose bottles.

Pharmaceutical Packaging

Vial, bottle, and blister packaging lines use specialized cartoners to safely collate and case these products. Validation protocols ensure proper installation and operation.

Home & Personal Goods

Goods like small appliances, housewares, cosmetics, and toiletries all get packaged and boxed by cartoners. The automation allows mass production with lower direct labor costs.

Printing & Publishing

Cartoners collate printed materials like books, magazines, catalogs, manuals, and brochures for shelf or mail distribution. The packaging protects items during shipping and storage.

With growth in e-commerce distribution, cartoners also now case goods for shipment from warehouses and fulfillment centers. Their versatility spans across many modern supply chains.

Selecting the Right Cartoner for Your Business

If you’ve decided to invest in cartoning automation, here are key tips for selecting the right equipment:

Determine Required Speeds/Throughput

Audit your current and expected output in units per minute to define speed requirements. This prevents overbuying or underbuying capacity.

Evaluate Size Changeover Needs

If you package a wide variety of product and carton sizes, prioritize quick changeover ability through tool-less and robotic designs.

Assess Product Characteristics

Factor in product dimensions, weight, fragility, and orientation needs. This ensures the machine handles items reliably.

Weigh Production Goals

If priorities like gentle handling or just-in-time fulfillment are important, seek those specialized features to align with your vision.

Consider Line Integration Needs

Choose equipment that seamlessly integrates with upstream feeding and downstream sealing, palletizing, etc.

Inspect Build Quality

High-quality components like stainless steel frames and international electrical cabinets increase longevity.

Compare Pricing

While upfront cost is critical, also consider total cost of ownership and return on investment. Avoid basing decisions on sticker price alone.

Examine Support & Service

Factor in installation support, operator training, maintenance programs, parts availability, and expertise. This minimizes downtime.

By carefully evaluating the above criteria against your operation’s specific needs, you can zero in on cartoners that deliver the best fit. The investment will pay dividends for years down the road.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting for Cartoners


To keep cartoners running at peak efficiency, ongoing maintenance is crucial. Here are best practices to follow:


  • Visual inspections of machine guarding, safety labels, oil levels, etc.
  • Verification of proper lubrication
  • Cleaning of sensors and guides


  • Inspection and replacement of worn parts like timing belts or seals
  • Thorough interior cleaning to remove dust and debris
  • Test runs to check for issues


  • Maintenance as per manufacturer guidelines
  • Audit of spare parts inventory
  • Software updates or programming tweaks


For troubleshooting, always consult the manual. But here are fixes for common problems:


  • Clear jams and identify and replace worn components
  • Adjust guides, sensors, and product infeed spacing
  • Reduce speed until issue is resolved


  • Repair/replace worn timing belts or feeding components
  • Adjust product positioning guides and screws
  • Check vacuum generators on suction feeding systems

Crushed cartons:

  • Check and adjust compression assemblies
  • Inspect carton size settings
  • Reduce cycling speed


  • Replace worn seals and gaskets
  • Check for clogs in vacuum lines
  • Ensure hoses are undamaged

By performing planned maintenance and knowing basic troubleshooting steps, you can minimize downtime. This maximizes your automation investment.

The Future of Cartoning Technology

Cartoner technology continues advancing to meet changing packaging demands. Some innovations on the horizon include:

Increased Automation & Robotics

Robotic loading, inspection, and changeovers will become more prevalent to maximize flexibility. Vision systems and AI will improve robotic capabilities.

Expanded IoT Integration

Cartoners will integrate more with overall equipment networks for preventive maintenance and performance monitoring. This allows predictive upkeep and rapid issue resolution.

Greater Sustainability

Machines will become more energy efficient. Processes to minimize carton waste like just-in-time blank feeding may also expand.

Customization Options

Quick-change modules tailored to specific products and faster in-line printing will enable mass customization.

Overall Equipment Optimization

Quick-change modules tailored to specific products and faster in-line printing will enable mass customization.

The new generation of smart, interconnected machines will power the factories of the future. For cartoning applications, flexibility, intelligence, and sustainability will drive technology forward.

Let the Packaging Possibilities Begin!

 I hope this guide has shown you the tremendous capabilities of cartoning equipment. These machines are a backbone of production and distribution across many industries. With an informed selection process, they can take your packaging operations to the next level.

The key is choosing equipment matched to your specific products, volumes, layouts, and business objectives. Consult with industry experts like Packaim to translate needs into the best machinery solutions.

With competitive pressures constantly growing, the gains cartoners offer are more important than ever. Their automation, flexibility, and integration abilities provide a path to packaging excellence. So open your mind to the possibilities, crunch the numbers, and invest wisely.

The future looks bright. The cartoner possibilities look even brighter.


I’m the author of this post, with over 10 years of expertise in the field. Should you seek insights or information about cartoning machines, I’m here to assist. Let’s connect and explore the world of packaging together.

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